Most of Freelance Traveller's other material can be incorporated into an adventure campaign of your own. These articles are slightly different - they are adventures.
- Afterday (Michael Brown) Disaster relief leads to its own problems.
- All In the Genes (Timothy Collinson) The DNA helix isn't the only twist
- Angle of Incidence (Michael Brown) Investigating a mad scientist.
- Apotheosis (Michael Brown) The child survived to become a holy figure.
- Aqua Pura (Michael Brown) Rescuing parts to rescue people
- The Asklepios Recovery (Michael Brown) A discontinued drug is all that can stop the pandemic.
- Back to a Future (Timothy Collinson) The real situation was unreal. (An introductory and transitional adventure for 2300AD)
- Benchmark (Guy Garnett) Real scouts doing real scout work
- The Bedlam Extraction (Michael Brown) The mental hospital is trying to drive her crazy.
- The Bellona Intrigue (Michael Brown) Saving the patron's lover from her former comrades.
- Broken Arrow (Bill Cameron) Boom tomorrow?
- Building Security (Dave Nelson) A security ticket presents an opportunity for PCs to form their own merc unit.
- By Force of Arms (Michael Brown) Protect a picnic
- Clash of Cultures (Garry Ward) A minor misunderstanding turns out not to be so minor.
- Comet Busters (M. Gilliam) There is no doubt that something is going to get busted...
- The Coriolis Peril (Michael Brown) The danger will take the PCs by storm.
- An Introductory Corporate Repo Adventure (Joshua Levy) When the ship has been stolen, someone wants it back
- The Corporate Repo Campaign (Joshua Levy) That ship isn't yours!
- The Dangard Experiment (Michael Brown) When a noble is slowly dying, can the PCs find the long-lost heir to save her?
- The Deadly Garden (David Johnson) Asvald's sister wants to know...
- The Derelict (Steve Hatherley) What can you do when you've had a serious engineering failure?
- Diplomatic Usage (Richard Aiken) Helping out the Consul
- Discordia Pacis (Michael Brown) The PCs can be both instrumental and deniable.
- Dismal Luck (Peter Arundel) Not what they expected to find
- Dragonhunters of Trane (J.E. Geoffrey) The raids on the cattle have to be stopped.
- Dreamstealers (Michael Brown) If they become known, they could be his undoing.
- The Edge of Helium (Timothy Collinson) Not the outskirts of a Barsoomian city
- The Edge of Humanity (Timothy Collinson) A rescue mission to the edge of the Solar System
- The Edge of Power (Timothy Collinson) "Power" has many meanings
- Evensong (Michael Brown) An entire adventure for a song
- Exposure (Timothy Collinson) He met them at the starport not even wearing a smile...
- The Far Colony (Michael A. Cessna) A catastrophic misjump leaves them with a dilemma
- The Fated Sky (Michael Brown) Trying to stop the Sixth Frontier War, at the behest of a Zho!
- Festival (Richard Morey) Is a forced wedding lawful when the law has been suspended?
- Filch (Michael Brown) That's exactly what she wants the PCs to do.
- Filters and Explosions (Gaizka Márquez) The characters are asked to investigate “subversion” on Sombra. From Vuelo Raso N. 1
- The Frozen Fire (Michael Brown) Dangerous to hunt; dangerous to eat.
- Fugitive Nobility (Robert Weaver) He needs to get his family out
- Full Cabins (Antonio Guarás) An adventure for six passengers and a crew, from Vuelo Raso N. 4
- Getting There is Half the Fun (Timothy Collinson) Jump can be much more than "OK, let's wrap it up until next session."
- Ghost Ship (J.E. Geoffrey) Is there anything to it?
- The God-Monster (Steve Hatherley) A piece of the Jala'lak mystery.
- The Green Dagger (Michael Brown) Eco-kidnappers?
- Grey Matters (Michael Brown) They need to save the doctor before he can save their friend.
- The Hand of Retribution (Michael Brown) Her reporting got her into trouble.
- Harvest Index (Michael Brown) Solving the grain blight before it causes planetary collapse
- Heiress (Ewan Quibell) A note to be mailed, and dinner paid by a cabaret singer, leads to much more...
- Helzr's Recovery/Salvage and Reposession Services (I: One of Our Scouts is Missing) (Graham Bayley) Bring it back as intact as you can
- Helzr's Recovery/Salvage and Repossession Services Part 2 (Graham Bayley) A lost ship, and a lost scion
- Historical Author (Paul Raistrick) Battlefield tourism
- I. C. E. (Michael Gilliam) Stolen secrets, spies, and space liners can lead to rich rewards.
- Lanthanum Hunt (Jim Vassilakos) To repair the ship, you'll need to trespass on sacred ground
- In Loco Parentis (Timothy Collinson) Some animal behaviors are familiar, even on other worlds
- In the Name of the Dead (Michael Brown) The cenotaph is to stand on sanctified ground.
- Insane Pleasures (Michael Brown) It starts out as a party...
- Interdiction (Michael Hughes) The PCs are asked to assist with a weapons shipment to a plague-interdicted asteroid belt
- Invasive Species (Michael Brown) Is there a connection between dying insects and agricultural mercenaries?
- Jabru (Jeff Zeitlin, Bruce Johnson, and Louis Wester) Tied up and left at the starport, but why?
- A Jolly (Roger) Good Time (Rick Morey) They weren't cats - or even Aslan - but curiosity could have killed them.
- Laced (Bill Cameron) A favor for a new friend turns out unexpectedly.
- Lady Luck (Andrea Vallance) Just what were they up to?
- Lizard on Board (Gaizka Márquez) A childlike and slightly hyperactive passenger is an adventure in itself
- Lunar Lore (Jeffrey Schwartz with Jeff Zeitlin) The moon has never been properly surveyed, and there’s something strange there.
- Medevac! (Timothy Collinson) Even when you're being treated for your last adventure, adventure lurks in the corridors...
- Medevac 2 (Timothy Collinson) Recovering a patient before the patient recovers
- Medical Intervention (Richard Perks) In a medical emergency, the PCs may be the only ones in a position to intervene.
- Mercenary Ticket: Hammer & Anvil (J. Edward Collins) Take and hold the fort
- The Mire Run (Ian Whitchurch) A pleasant vacation-style cruise from the Imperium to a nearby friendly state.
- The Mote Perspective (Michael Brown) A simple supply run isn't so simple.
- Mtihani (Michael Brown) A rite of passage and fitness to rule
- The Night Visitors (Bill Cameron) Things that go bump in the night...
- Nightfall (Michael Brown) A stellar storm and a derelict ship on the dark side of an asteroid...
- Nostrum (Michael Brown) Medical sabotage
- The Pendente School for Exceptionally Talented Juveniles (Greg Caires) Imperial society takes exception to these exceptional talents.
- The Petrified Forest (Joe Webb) Piracy works, until someone notices...
- The Plague Robbery (Jeffrey Schwartz) The plague isn't supernatural; some of the problems may be...
- Planet of Storms (Michael Brown) Just what did happen to the scientists?
- The Poseidon Adventure (Steve Hatherley) A mystery finally unraveled.
- Primary Attribute (Michael Brown) Not-so-dumb animals
- Purity (Allen Shock) The purest trouble that can be found.
- The Quality of Mercy (Michael Brown) A mission of mercy may not turn out as expected
- Rescue in Chengdu (Antonio Guaras) A researcher working on a covert project needs rescue - but there are wheels within wheels…
- The Rime of the Ancient Traveller (James Ramsay) Rumors abound - but does their subject really exist?
- Rites of Passage (Roger Barr) All they need is a ride...
- The Rubinian Honour Gambit (Benedikt Schwarz) Answering a distress call turns into an affir of honour, Aslan-style
- Saving the Throne (Jeff Zeitlin) If there's no heir, the estate reverts to the State. Except this time, the estate is the entire world...
- Scout's Honor (Kate Thumann) A Traveller Choose-Your-Own-Adventure.
- Search for the Stardrive (Steve Hatherley) He wants "some electronics" returned - but he's willing to pay very well...
- The Seeds Of a War Gone Cold (Thomas Barclay) The war ended 40 years ago, but the attackers just woke up.
- Sex and the Single Vargr (Joe Webb) Moneyed maiden or pregnant priestess? Only her father's herald knows for sure.
- Shade (Michael Brown) The PCs' departure may be delayed because of a sunny day.
- Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other (Ewan Quibell) Two vargr, fighting tooth and nail...
- The Skywhale (Steve Hatherley) It's big, it's ill, and its caretaker needs to hire some ambulance attendants.
- The Slavers of Gennare (Bruce Johnson) The light of dawn after the Long Night doesn't always reveal pretty things.
- The Smarargdian Crisis (Benedikt Schwarz) The PCs are asked to solve a murder, and can change the destiny of a world.
- Smoke Test (Bill Cameron) Retrieving a probe might be more than just taking it aboard.
- Snake Oil Salesmen (Thomas Barclay) Help the locals recover from the snake oil, go after the hucksters, or both? Is both possible?
- Snowfall (Joe Webb) ...on a planet where the hailstones are bigger than taxicabs.
- Solstice (Michael Brown) The sun isn't standing still
- The Sons of Rudurgu (Michael Brown) The tribal chief has questions
- The Sounding (Michael Brown) Going fishing leads to ... more.
- Spacecraft Classification Societies as Patrons (Chris Barlow) Sometimes the people who issue your spaceworthiness certificate have problems, too...
- Spindrift (Timothy Collinson) A diplomatic opportunity in investigation form
- The Star of People's Justice (Dave Nelson) The title does not refer to the Marshal's star in this security ticket.
- Stranded (Jeff Zeitlin) If they dock, they could lose everything
- The Tale of the Black Freighter (Alex Greene) An unarmed ship that's extremely dangerous
- Ten Blocks (Bill Cameron) Neither 'civil' nor 'disturbance' are quite the right words.
- Tinderbox (Bill Cameron) The PCs need to defuse an explosive situation
- Traveller Present Day (Ewan Quibell) TL8 and no space travel doesn't mean "no Traveller".
- A Troubled Mind (Timothy Collinson) Are her son's nightmares more than just bad dreams?
- Viral Shades (David Burden) Surviving a Virus attack can be an adventure in itself, but you learn so much more from the aftermath.
- The Visitors (Alvin Plummer) Who are they, and what are their real motives?
- Vlezhdiets (Michael Brown) A family heirloom brings enemies together, and proves to be the key to something more.
- The Wardn Gambit (Bleddyn Wilson) A spy is uncovered in an Imperial Scout Base.
- Wet Goods, Dry Goods (Bill Cameron) "Mixed organic chemicals" covers a lot.
- Where Eagles Dare (Steve Hatherley) An ancient temple, a pyramid, and terrorists
- Winter of Discontent (John Watts) A murder mystery - three people think they did it; which one really did?
- Zen and the Art of Leaving the Planet (Peter Arundel) Sometimes, the hardest part of getting a ship is ... getting the ship.
- Introduction to The Traveller Adventure - Traveller Background (Ken Bearden) A capsule description of the history of the Traveller universe, in a form designed to be handed to new players.
- Introduction to The Traveller Adventure - Background (Ken Bearden) Introductory material to establish the background against which The Traveller Adventure will be played out.
- Introduction to The Traveller Adventure - The March Harrier (Ken Bearden) A look at the starship at the center of the Traveller Adventure.
- Introduction to The Traveller Adventure - The Backstab (Ken Bearden) Backstory for a character from the Traveller Adventure.
- Getting Off The Ground Use these adventure outlines to get a party moving.
- The 200T False Trader (Richard Huxton) Perhaps salvaging more than they asked for
- The Afflicted (Michael Brown) Forclosure is never pleasant.
- Amber Tours, Ltd. (Colin Michael) Why is an Amber Zone apparently a green light for tourism?
- Apinanto Assist (Ewan Quibell) The “fuel truck driver” is overdue...
- Banking the Break (Michael Viviano) They have payment problems, but the bank doesn't want to repo the ship.
- Beached (J.E. Geoffrey) It came out of Jump... and sat silent...
- The Benedict Advance (Michael Brown) Find his fiancee.
- Border Crossing (Jonathan McDermott) A common name leads to uncommon problems...
- The Boys in Blue (Timothy Collinson) From 'showing the flag' to 'Oops, gotta run!'
- Buying Trouble (Jeffrey Schwartz) Some contracts that may not be as good as they look
- Cadre Ticket (Dan Long) First you learned it, now you teach it.
- Cat and Mouse (Michael A. Cessna) Can he get away with the hijacking?
- Collector's Edition (Jens Rydholm) "Printed Matter" covers - or covers up? - a lot.
- The Color of Monks' Robes (Dwayne Walstrom) The river may be the key to peace.
- Combat Logistics (Michael A. Cessna) Botched diplomacy, continued
- Concrete (Michael Brown) Protecting the dam repair team.
- The Conservator (Michael Brown) Helping the cows come home
- Corp World (Joel Callahan) Mass firings that look like emergency evacuations - just what's going on?
- Coup (Jeff Zeitlin) When friendly territory becomes suddenly hostile...
- Crimson Folly (Sam Swindell) Looking for buy-ins.
- The Crow (Michael Hughes) This is for the birds...
- The Cumulus Course (Michael Brown) Even IFR isn't good enough.
- Dead Hand (Jeffrey Schwartz) All they need is a signature
- Deliver Medicine (P-O Bergstedt) help with a plague
- Diplomatic Heavyweights (J.E. Geoffrey) An urgent call for diplomatic transport could become ... interesting.
- Easter Island (Joel Callahan) A scientist needs help to research a pet theory.
- Elegance Never Forgotten (Michael Brown) Accompanied by arrogance
- Evening Star (Bill Cameron) An overnight pleasure cruise has complications.
- An Explosive Situation (Michael Hughes) An adventure seed that starts off with a bang
- Extraction (John G. Wood) A food fight leads to a request for asylum.
- Flitho 314 (Jim Kundert) It's definitely art... but whose?
- Food, Glorious Food (Michael Hughes) Are you gonna eat that?
- Forest for the Trees (Benjamin Pew) The better half IS in the bush.
- Formerly Known As... (Michael Brown) Is he who he used to be?
- From the Source (J.E. Geoffrey) The patron didn't want to pay retail.
- The Galactic Gourmet (Michael Brown) A Cook's tour may be more than a Cook's Tour.
- The Game Is Afoot: Consulting Detective Adventure Seeds (Timothy Collinson) A set of three-pipe problems...
- Game On (Timothy Collinson) The rivalry itself may be an adventure.
- Gamma World (Joel Callahan) A devastated world is the scene for a fast retrieval mission.
- The Gun (Joel Callahan) What you find may come in handy...
- In Small Packages (Louis Wester) Even in the far future, software bugs must be fixed...
- Instant Murder Mystery for the Grey (Timothy Collinson) Crossing from Adventure Seed to Prep Room discussion: How to write a murder
- The Kidnapping of Major L. Fure'du (Donald Hahn) Can the winery be saved?
- Look Away Home (Michael Brown) Her daughter's gone, along with most of her money...
- The Miasma (Michael Brown) An industrial accident could kill people miles away
- The Marrying Kind (Michael Brown) Is the bride price really a bargain? Is the bride?
- The Medicine Man (Michael Brown) There was a doctor in the house, but he's gone
- Mind Games: Four Psionic Seeds (Timothy Collinson) Psions can have adventures, too
- The Missed Interview (David Johnson) Why did she miss it?
- Muckraker (Michael Brown) He intends to get his story.
- New Bermuda (J.E. Geoffrey) There needs to be Something Out There...
- Noble Actions (Jeffrey Schwarz with Jeff Zeitlin) Nobles need not be patrons to be part of an adventure.
- The Old Ship (Jack Mitcham) Centuries old, putting out a call...
- Ordnance (Michael Brown) An unpleasant thing to find attached to your hull.
- Organized Opposition (Bruce Johnson) A Conspiracy Theory...
- Out of Bounds (James Catchpole) Going there can have repercussions.
- Overland Express (Tod Glenn) When it absolutely, positively, has to get there
- Patronage (Frank Mikes) An investigative reporter needs help.
- The Picture (Dwayne Walstrom) A request for private courier service isn't anything to worry about ... is it?
- A Planet Is Born (Chris Keelan) And it's a violent birth...
- Prototype (Joel Callahan) Corporate intrigue leads to profit or peril
- Prototype (Joel Callahan) Golden Goose, or White Elephant?
- Red Zone (Louis Wester) A difficult retrieval...
- Reliquary (Nick Walker) Consecrating a church
- Return to Sender (Jens Rydholm) Every little bit helps...
- Riot Act (Bruce Johnson) A riot is good cover...
- Shanghaied (Richard Morey) His son was hired, but not voluntarily.
- The Silver Panthers (Jo Jaquinta) “Dry” jobs only, and you might never actually meet them.
- Something Fishy (Jens Rydholm) Wilderness refueling really does stink, sometimes.
- Spacer Hill (J.E. Geoffrey) An uneasy final rest.
- Spotter (Guy Garnett) Why is he so interested in the ship?
- Survey (Richard Morey) Is there anything else that SuSAG will want?
- Swamp Colony (Michael Hughes) Driving and drinking still don't mix...
- Sweet Piece (Louis Wester) A 'sweet piece' isn't a piece of candy...
- Sweet SSUITE (Sam Swindell) A scout is looking for help to bring an idea to market.
- The Sylan Extraction (Jim Vassilakos) The journalist wasn't as discreet as he should have been, and now wants your help to save his sources.
- Take The Money And Run (Michael Hughes) They couldn't win the peace
- Tears (Joseph Paul) The evidence is that history is wrong.
- This Stinks (Richard Honeycutt) A seemingly minor accident has major repercussions...
- Thomas's Theorem (J. Fernando Martín "Dr. Alban") Protecting the children at a psi school. Translated from the Spanish original.
- Adventure Seeds for Travellers' Aid Society Characters (Greg Alan Caires) The TAS doesn't just enable adventures, sometimes they're part of them.
- The Travelling Gourmet (Joel Callahan) The Video Chef makes life interesting.
- The Umbra Retribution (Michael Brown) Revenge can be profitable - or expensive
- Two Patron Encounters for Traveller (Jim Vassilakos) Twp deals that may be less than wise to accept
- Two Patron Encounters: Shtiz Bralzastebr (Timothy Collinson) What does this Zhodani really want?
- Unfit (Richard Aiken) The party must "escort" the envoy that is the means to put pressure on the noble that is about to name the wrong heir.
- Unfixed (Bill Cameron) The PCs are asked to lengthen short odds.
- Uprooted (Michael Hughes) A different Arbor Day
- Van-Go-Go-Go (James Huron) A hot art collection
- The Weather Room (Joel Callahan) Making the spacer's home-away-from-home into the vacation-spot-away-from-vacation-spot
- A Whale of a Cargo (Joel Callahan) Literally.
- The Wing Wherewith We Fly (Michael Brown) When education is contraband, so are educators.
- A Zhdantian Trader in the Sacnoth Dominate (David Johnson) Ex-diplomats don't normally go into business...
For more information on The Traveller Adventure, look at Raconteur's Rest - the Instant Replay stories are episodes from this adventure as Ken ran it - and Up Close and Personal, where you'll find a profile of one of the characters, Gvoudzon.