These pages contain fan-written reviews of individual Traveller products. If you would like to write a review for Freelance Traveller, we’re willing to read (and most likely publish) it. All we ask is that you…
- …be honest about what you think, and why, and
- …don’t use inflammatory, abusive, or insulting language, or language that would be inappropriate in a gaming industry publication.
It’s OK to write a negative review; not all products are going to be good. However, you need to remember that appearing in a Traveller-related publication makes you, de facto, a representative of the Traveller-playing community - and you don’t want to give people outside that community a bad impression of us.
It’s also OK to write a review of a product that has already been reviewed here, so don’t let that stop you from submitting a review of your own.
All reviews in Freelance Traveller magazine or its websites are the personal opinions of the individual reviewers, and should not be construed as representing the opinions of the staff of Freelance Traveller, even in cases where the reviewer is known to be a member of that staff. These reviews are provided to the community for informational purposes, and are not intended as endorsements of the products or websites reviewed.
- 101 Cargos (Timothy Collinson) Cargos can make money - or trouble - for player-characters. Here are many ways to do so.
- 101 Cargos (Jeff Zeitlin) Another look at this BITS supplement.
- 101 Governments (Paul Williams) Describing a government in more than just a single letter.
- 101 Lifeforms (Peter Newman) Animals to encounter in play.
- 101 Plots (Timothy Collinson) Over a hundred ways for referees to send players chasing all over the setting.
- 101 Religions (Jeff Zeitlin) A catalog of higher powers
- 101 Rendezvous (Timothy Collinson) Places to meet and things that can happen there.
- 101 Travellers (Timothy Collinson) Looking at the BITS sourcebook for NPCs.
- 21 Organizations ("kafka") Organizations provide a framework for settings. Here are some suggestions.
- 21 Plots (Jeff Zeitlin) Getting Off The Ground in the Gypsy Knights Games setting
- 21 Plots (2nd Edition) (Ewan Quibell) A good source of inspiration
- 21 Plots III ("kafka") More seeds for more adventures
- 21 Plots III (2nd Edition) (Ewan Quibell) Less than inspiring, and setting-specific
- 21 Plots Misbehave ("kafka") Early Traveller's grittiness re-found in the Clement Sector
- 21 Plots Planetside ("kafka") Quick Seeds for Quick Adventures on Quick Worlds
- 21 Plots Planetside (2nd Edition) (Ewan Quibell) A few faint sparks of inspiration
- 21 Plots Samaritan ("kafka") Where the PCs are unequivocably on the side of Right.
- 21 Plots Too ("kafka") Another seed packet for adventures
- 21 Plots Too (Ewan Quibell) Some good twists, but setting-specific
- 21 Plots Go Forth (Ewan Quibell) Possibly useful, but lacks a spark
- 21 Starport Places ("kafka") Looking closer at starports - not just places to fix up and fuel up
- 21 Starport Places (Jeff Zeitlin) A good idea, with minor issues.
- Career Track 1: Medic (Jeff Zeitlin) Tables for generating doctors as characters
- 2300AD: Then and Now (Timothy Collinson) A side-by-side look at two editions of 2300AD
- Aliens of the Rim (Rob Prior) A look at the Traveller: The New Era sourcebook for the Hivers and their main clients.
- Ancient Trails: Witness to History ("kafka") Chasing dreams, in a very literal sense
- Anderson & Felix Guide to Naval Architecture ("kafka") Shipbuilding in Clement Sector
- Anderson & Felix Optional Components Guide (Steve Attwood) Supplementing a shipbuilder's supplement
- The Beyond (Colin Michael) A look at this sector that is - of course - Beyond the Imperial border.
- Traveller-Compatible Product: Career Book 1 (Allen Shock) A look at Spica Publishing's expanded non-military careers, for Mongoose Traveller
- Career Book 1 (Jeff Zeitlin) Spica spices up non-military character generation
- Career Book 1 (Megan Robertson) Spica Publishing expands on non-military careers
- Career Book 2 (Benjamin Pew) A look at additional careers, from Spica Publishing
- Career Companion (Jeff Zeitlin) Customized careers for the Gypsy Knights Games alternative setting
- Career Companion ("kafka") Another look at Gypsy Knights Games' customized careers.
- Denizens II: Biaxial System (Jeff Zeitlin) A different system sourcebook for a different Foreven Sector
- Subsector Sourcebook 1: Cascadia ("kafka") Collecting Quick Worlds yields more than a quick subsector.
- Clement Sector ("kafka") Bringing a sector to life
- Clement Sector (Jeff Zeitlin) An alternate setting for Mongoose Traveller, with ties back to Traveller's roots
- Clement Sector (Megan Robertson) A well-developed alternative setting
- Clement Sector Core Setting (2ed) (Omer G. Joel) A look at the updated core setting book for Gypsy Knights Games' alternative Traveller/Cepheus Engine setting
- Clement Sector Player's Guide (Timothy Collinson) More options for Gypsy Knights Games alternate Traveller setting
- Clement Sector Player's Guide ("kafka") A Clement Sector guide that could have been better.
- The Cascadia Adventures (Timothy Collinson) An examination of the Gypsy Knights Games adventure omnibus.
- The Cascadia Adventures ("kafka") Another look at the Clement Sector omnibus adventures.
- Cascadia Adventures 1: Save Our Ship (Megan Robertson) An adventure in casino courtesies
- Cascadia Adventures 2: The Lost Girl (Megan Robertson) You've saved the ship, now save the girl.
- Cascadia Adventures 3: Fled (Megan Robertson) You've saved the ship and the girl - now save the money, and bring back the thief.
- Dawn Adventures 1: The Subterranean Oceans of Argos Prime (Megan Robertson) Disaster on a world of underground oceans
- Dawn Adventures 2: Hell's Paradise (Megan Robertson) A missing ship and crew is a source of adventure.
- Ships of Clement Sector 4-6: Traders, Scouts and Small Craft ("kafka") Three types of player-class ships
- Ships of Clement Sector 5: Traders and Scouts (Megan Robertson) Five starships suitable for adventures.
- Ships of Clement Sector 10: Lee-class Merchant Vessel (Paul Hillers) A look at a ship that's as important to Clement Sector as the Beowulf is to the Third Imperium
- Skull and Crossbones (Jeff Zeitlin) The definitive sourcebook on piracy
- Manhunters: Bounty Hunters in Clement Sector (Steve Attwood) Hunting the most dangerous game
- The Slide (Jeff Zeitlin) A race between ships of ... questionable virtue
- Wondrous Menagerie (Jeff Zeitlin) Equipping an animal to handle a human's job
- Tree of Life (Jeff Zeitlin) Equipping a human to work without equipment?
- Creatures of Distant Worlds Compendium 1 (Jeff Zeitlin) Exotic animals - and others
- Foreven Worlds: Creatures of Distant Worlds (Bryan Sycamore) Animal Encounters for Traveller
- Foreven Worlds: Creatures of Distant Worlds (Brett Kruger) Cinematic sources for creatures that are anything but mundane.
- d66 Compendium (Jeff Zeitlin) A simple idea, packaged usefully
- Darthanon Queen (Ewan Quibell) A mediocre ship and some mediocre scenarios to go with it.
- Maranatha-Alkahest Sector (Jeffro Johnson) A look at an early licensed sector.
- Diaspora Phoenix (Grahame Mulliss) A New Era novel
- Dra'k'ne Station (Paul Anuni) An unexciting dungeon crawl
- The Early Adventures (Ewan Quibell) A compilation of adventure material from DGP's Travellers' Digest.
- The Travellers' Digest and The Early Adventures (David Johnson) A look at some of the early work that made DGP a 'name' in Traveller
- Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant (Ewan Quibell) Another mediocre ship and mediocre characters to man it.
- Geptorem (Ewan Quibell) An incomplete module for completists only
- Theta Borealis Sector (Ewan Quibell) An early supplemental sector, well produced, badly written
- A Fistful of Credits (Ewan Quibell) Uneven and arbitrary, but with some usable ideas
- Escape (Ewan Quibell) Escape from the Aslan!
- The Experiments: A One-Shot Scenario (Timothy Collinson) Four hours of fun, ideal for a con.
- Traveller's Aide #9 - Fighting Ships of the Solomani (Martin Lamar) A look at the Solomani fleet and doctrine.
- Flynn's Guide to Alien Creation ("kafka") A look at building Space Opera aliens while avoiding Space Opera clichés.
- Flynn's Guide to Magic in Traveller (Jeff Zeitlin) A look at a formal skill-based system for magic in Traveller.
- Cepheus Engine System Reference Document (Jeff Zeitlin) Core rules, Open Game, familiar, and compatible.
- Cepheus Light: Three Formats (Steve Attwood) An excellent streamlining of the Cepheus Engine
- Cepheus Deluxe (Carlos Alos-Ferrer) Expanding on Cepheus Light, but with flaws
- Cepheus Deluxe (Brett Kruger) A good ruleset for quick games
- Gateway to Destiny (Joel Benford) A look at a sourcebook for Milieu 1000.
- Gazelle-class Close Escort Deck Plans (Ewan Quibell) A useful but uninspiring look at a ship with potential
- Venture Class Frontier Courier (Jeff Zeitlin) Neither fish nor fowl, but possibly a good choice anyway
- Venture Class Frontier Courier (Paul Anuni) A flawed document for a flawed design
- Travellers' Aide #2 - Grand Endeavor (Mark Urbin) (Mark Urbin) A look at a collection of stories set during the Interstellar Wars or in the Year 1000 era.
- Glimmerdrift Reaches (Joseph Kimball) An early version of a sector on the trailing edge of the Imperium
- Grand Safari ("kafka") Exploring the wildlife
- Grand Safari (Megan Robertson) Adventures, Clement Sector style - beyond the edge of the sector.
- GURPS Traveller (Brian Christopher Misiaszek) A review of the core sourcebook for Traveller under the GURPS system.
- Hub Federation (Megan Robertson) A look at the central polity of the GKG alternate setting
- Hub Federation ("kafka") The focal setting book for GKG's ATU
- Hub Federation Ground Forces (Megan Robertson) Boots in the mud - Clement Sector style
- Hub Federation Ground Forces ("kafka") A look at what it takes to hold a world in Clement Sector
- Hub Federation Navy (Megan Robertson) Mixing German and British traditions in a well-designed career
- Hub Federation Navy ("kafka") A look at the major interstellar force in Clement Sector.
- A Selection of GKG Traveller ("kafka") A brief look at some of the early GKG products.
- Hyperlite: The Sirius Treaty (Tim Bancroft) An overview of a non-Traveller product based on the Traveller SRD.
- Hyperlite: The Sirius Treaty (Jeff Zeitlin) An independent look at a Traveller variant
- System Book 1: Katringa (Timothy Collinson) An entire system, in coherent and well-developed detail.
- The Khiidkar Incident (Timothy Collinson) The second adventure from BITS.
- The Long Way Home (Timothy Collinson) The first BITS adventure supplement for Marc Miller's Traveller.
- Marc Miller's Traveller (Joseph E. Walsh) The core rules for the fourth edition of Traveller.
- Marc Miller's Traveller: Starships (reviewed by Richard Crowley) Starships and rules for designing them
- Mercator (Benjamin Pew) A look at a low-tech supplement for Classic Traveller
- EPIC Adventure 4: Merchant Cruiser (Ewan D. Quibell) Trading on the Imperial fringe.
- Merchants and Merchandise (Colin Michael) An early expansion of the Merchant career.
- Merchants and Merchandise (Paul Anuni) A more in-depth look at the Merchant career expansion from Paranoia Press.
- Milieu 0 Campaign (Leroy Guatney) A look at the Imperium in its earliest days.
- Traveller5: First Impressions (Timothy Collinson) Five is Four Plus, and T5 is T4 Plus, according to this reviewer...
- Traveller5 (Chuck Frizzell) The newest Traveller core rules.
- Cirque (Jeff Zeitlin) The circus is coming to town, and it looks promising.
- Cirque (Timothy Collinson) A look at the final product of this long-awaited Traveller5 campaign.
- Mongoose Traveller (Jeff Zeitlin) A look at the core rules from the Mongoose Traveller line
- Mongoose Traveller - The Spinward Marches (Jeff Zeitlin) A Classic Area of Classic Traveller, for the latest release from Mongoose
- Mongoose Traveller - 760 Patrons (Jeff Zeitlin) Close Encounters of the Random Kind
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 1: 760 Patrons, Second Edition ("kafka") 760 Patrons, remade and expanded
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 1: 760 Patrons, Second Edition (Megan Robertson) A mini-treasury of patrons and patron encounters
- Mongoose Traveller - Mercenary (Allen Shock) A look at the expanded Army and Marine careers for Mongoose Traveller
- Mongoose Traveller Book 1: Mercenary (Second Edition) ("kafka") Boots on the ground, remade
- Mongoose Traveller - High Guard (Jeff Zeitlin) A look at the second expanded career book.
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 2 - Traders and Gunboats (Jeff Zeitlin) Small Craft and starships up to 1000 tons.
- Mongoose Traveller Adventure 1 - Beltstrike (Jeff Zeitlin) Belters and prospecting and more...
- Mongoose Traveller Adventure 1: Beltstrike (Megan Robertson) Another look at this belter campaign
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 3 - Fighting Ships (Martin Lamar) From fighters to carriers, destroyers to dreadnoughts, a representative selection of ships.
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 3 - Fighting Ships (Jeff Zeitlin) From fighters to carriers, destroyers to dreadnoughts, a representative selection of ships.
- Mongoose Traveller Pocket Rulebook (Jeff Zeitlin) A compact edition of the Mongoose Traveller Core Rulebook
- Mongoose Traveller - An Introduction to Traveller (Jeff Zeitlin) A minimum usable set of rules for getting your feet wet.
- Mongoose Traveller Adventure 2 - Prison Planet (Jeff Zeitlin) A look at what penalties the PCs might pay for being PCs.
- Mongoose Traveller Adventure 2 - Prison Planet (Megan Robertson) Another look at incarceration
- Mongoose Traveller - Scout (Jeff Zeitlin) A look at the Scout character type
- Mongoose Traveller: The Universe of Babylon-5 (Lorcan Nagle) An extensive review of the first licensed setting for Mongoose Publishing's Traveller line
- Mongoose Traveller - Agent (Nik Kraakenes) A look at the character/career book for a very ... flexible ... character type.
- Mongoose Traveller - Psion (Jeff Zeitlin) On the matter of mind over matter.
- Mongoose Traveller - Psion (Paul Anuni) Mind over Matter taken to the next level
- Mongoose Traveller: Babylon 5 - The Trouble With Drazi (Jeff Zeitlin) An adventure set in the Babylon 5 universe.
- Mongoose Traveller - Scoundrel (Jeff Zeitlin) Adding color to ... colorful ... characters.
- Mongoose Traveller - Alien Module 1: Aslan (Doc Kinne) A look at the latest presentation of one of Traveller's Major Races
- Mongoose Traveller - Alien Module 1: Aslan (Jeff Zeitlin) Another look at a favorite alien race
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 4 - Central Supply Catalogue (Jeff Zeitlin) What the well-prepared adventurer has sent to him so that he CAN prepare...
- Mongoose Traveller - Alien Module 2: Vargr (Doc Kinne) A new look at a second Major Race.
- Mongoose Traveller: Strontium Dog - Bounties and Warrants (Jeff Zeitlin) Adventure Seeds for Strontium Dog
- Mongoose Traveller - The Third Imperium: Sector Map Packs (Jeff Zeitlin) A brief look at the poster maps for the Third Imperium setting
- Mongoose Traveller Book 7: Merchant Prince (Jeff Zeitlin) Expanding on trade opens up new campaign opportunities
- Mongoose Traveller Book 7: Merchant Prince (Megan Robertson) Expanding on the core Merchant career.
- Mongoose Traveller: Compendium 1 (Jeff Zeitlin) Signs and Portents for Traveller, distilled
- Mongoose Traveller Compendium 1 ("kafka") Another look at the compilation from Signs and Portents
- Mongoose Traveller: Dilettante (Jeff Zeitlin) Looking at the wealthy traveller
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium - Alien Module 3: Darrians ("kafka") A minor human race with a major political effect
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium - Sector Fleet ("kafka") A view of fleet organization in the official Traveller setting
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium - Crowded Hours (Jeff Zeitlin) A set of prepackaged adventures for Traveller
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium - Crowded Hours ("kafka") Another look at this bundle of Avenger adventures.
- Mongoose Traveller Book 9: Robot (Jeff Zeitlin) More than just iron men.
- Mongoose Traveller Book 9: Robot ("kafka") Another look at this add-on rulebook.
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium: Starports ("kafka") A look at the anchors of interstellar societies
- Mongoose Traveller LBB9: Library Data ("kafka") Broad but not deep, an information capsule for Mongoose Traveller's Third Imperium setting
- Mongoose Traveller: LBB9: Library Data (Megan Robertson) Another look at a mini-encyclopedia
- Mongoose Traveller - The Third Imperium: Tripwire (Jeff Zeitlin) Counterespionage and violence on the frontier.
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 11: Animal Encounters ("kafka") Wildlife in its original sense
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 11: Animal Encounters (Megan Robertson) Making wildlife a part of your campaign.
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 10: Merchants and Cruisers ("kafka") More info about more starships
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 12: Dynasty (Jeff Zeitlin) Governments, Megacorporations, Religious Hierarchies... and how to "play" them.
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 12: Dynasty ("kafka") The Polity as Character
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 8: Cybernetics ("kafka") From enhanced prosthetics to cyborgs
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 8: Cybernetics (Megan Robertson) When body parts are replaceable.
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium: Reft Sector (Harry Bryan) A look at one of the lesser-known sectors, but with high adventuring potential.
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium: Alien Module 4: Zhodani ("kafka") The latest view of a psionics-centered human society
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 9: Campaign Guide (Jeff Zeitlin) More a referee's "toolkit" than a "guide".
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 9: Campaign Guide ("kafka") Not living up to the hype
- Mongoose Traveller: 2300AD ("kafka") A look at the Mongoose Traveller rework of a GDW classic
- Mongoose Traveller: 2300AD (Megan Robertson) Another look at the core rulebook for an alternate setting.
- Mongoose Traveller: Spinward Encounters (Jeff Zeitlin) A set of adventures for the Spinward Marches
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium - Spinward Encounters ("kafka") Another look at spinward adventures
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 5-6: The Vehicle Handbook (Jeff Zeitlin) Mongoose's second try at a vehicle design system
- Mongoose Traveller: Compendium 2 (Timothy Collinson) More good stuff collected from Signs and Portents.
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium: Alien Module 5: Solomani (Jeff Zeitlin) A new look at the True Men hailing from humaniti's home.
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium: Deneb Sector ("kafka") A long-established sector with something for everyone.
- Mongoose Traveller - The Third Imperium - Minor Alien Module 1: Luriani (Jeff Zeitlin) A well-written treatment of a minor race.
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 7: 1,001 Characters (Jeff Zeitlin) NPCs galore
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 7: 1,001 Characters (Megan Robertson) Pregenerated characters, ready to run.
- Mongoose Traveller Adventure 3: Trillion Credit Squadron ("kafka") Building the Line of Battle
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 13: Starport Encounters (Timothy Collinson) Ships and crews, passengers, and cargos, in one neat bundle.
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium: Solomani Rim ("kafka") Imperial and Solomani both
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 15: Powers and Prinicipalities (Timothy Collinson) Governments, corporations, and religions all wield power, and you'll find them here.
- Mongoose Traveller Special Supplement 4: Rescue Ops (Jeff Zeitlin) Going in to get others out
- Mongoose Traveller: Judge Dredd (Megan Robertson) 2000AD's Mega City One setting, brought to Traveller
- Mongoose Traveller Referee's Aid 7: Type R Subsidized Merchant (Paul Hillers) A detailed look at an old standby
- Mongoose Traveller: The Third Imperium: Borderland Profile: Tanith (Paul Hillers) Profiling a mercenary world on the Imperial frontier
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 14: Space Stations (Jeff Zeitlin) More than filling stations and mini-malls
- Mongoose Traveller Supplement 14: Space Stations ("kafka") Generally disappointing
- Mongoose Traveller Campaign 1: Secret of the Ancients ("kafka") A new version of an old idea
- Mongoose Traveller Adventure 4: Into the Unknown (Jeff Zeitlin) A planetary survey turns into something unexpected.
- Traveller J Core Rulebook (Beta) (Megan Robertson) An early look at Mongoose's revamping of Traveller.
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Ed. High Guard (Megan Robertson) Shipbuilding and more, for the revised Traveller system.
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Ed. High Guard: Aslan (Megan Robertson) A look at the ships of one of Traveller's Major Races
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: The Pirates of Drinax: The Theev Cluster (Megan Robertson) A look at a where ethics may be challenged.
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: The Pirates of Drinax: The Torpol Cluster (Megan Robertson) A crossroads in the Reaches
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Ed. Vehicle Handbook (Megan Robertson) From wagons and walkers to jets and ornithopters, getting around, planetside
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: The Great Rift (Jeff Zeitlin) Fewer stars, more interest
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition Central Supply Catalogue (Megan Robertson) It's not ... quite ... the original Sears Catalogue
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition Central Supply Catalogue (Mike Mekler) Lots of Stuff, enjoyably presented
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reft (Jeff Zeitlin) The Imperial key to crossing the Great Rift
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: The Great Rift: Touchstone and Afawahisa (Jeff Zeitlin) Two sectors of the Great Rift provide some interesting opportunities
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Deep Space Exploration Handbook (Jeff Zeitlin) Going beyond the frontier, organized.
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: High Guard: Deployment Shuttle (Megan Robertson) Utility vehicle takes on a whole new meaning
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reach Adventures 2: Theories of Everything (Megan Robertson) A group of scientists and their lab ship - and the PCs
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reach Adventure 2: Theories of Everything ("the Guvnor") A good follow-on for Reach Adventure 1
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Great Rift Adventure 1: Islands in the Rift (Jeff Zeitlin) A trip through the Islands, with complications
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Marches Adventure 1: High and Dry (Megan Robertson) Acquiring the ubiquitous Scout/Courier
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Great Rift Adventure 2: Deepnight Endeavour (Jeff Zeitlin) A lost ship, found...
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reach Adventure 1: Marooned on Marduk (Megan Robertson) A short and wide-open setup
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reach Adventure 1: Marooned on Marduk ('the Guvnor') A well-written adventure from a respected Traveller author
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Great Rift Adventure 3: Flatlined (Jeff Zeitlin) No memory, no resources; now what?
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition Referee's Screen (Megan Robertson) Pretty pictures, and useful tables
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition Starter Set (Boxed) (Jeff Zeitlin) Enough Traveller to get started usefully, in one purchase.
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reach Adventure 3: The Calixcuel Incident (Megan Robertson) Underwater disaster
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Element Cruisers Boxed Set (Jeff Zeitlin) A class of cruisers, a guide to using them, an example, and deck plans - well-developed
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reach Adventure 4: Last Flight of the Amuar (Megan Robertson) Good potential, but it seems like more of an outline for a minicampaign than it does a minicampaign
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Behind the Claw (Timothy Collinson) Mongoose looks at Deneb and the Spinward Marches
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Reach Adventure 5: The Borderland Run (Paul Anuni) A good adventure with many possibilities
- Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition: Sector Construction Guide (Jeff Zeitlin) A guide to thinking about sector development, rather than the mechanics
- Stranded (Jeff Zeitlin) The PCs probably can’t wait for rescue
- Mercenary: A Quick First Look (Timothy Collinson) The Mongoose Mercenary Kickstarter delivers in spades (or should that be in entrenching tools?)!
- Three Supplements for Mongoose Traveller 1st Edition ("kafka") Bits of BITS, all collected
- Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (Timothy Collinson) The latest incarnation, with updated reprints and new material
- 2300AD: Grendelssaga ("kafka") Crossing over between Adventure/Campaign and Sourcebook
- 2300AD: Atlas of the French Arm (Megan Robertson) A look at an important part of the 2300AD starscape
- 2300AD: Ships of the French Arm (Megan Robertson) What you'll see to get from A to B
- 2300AD: Libreville: Corruption in the Core Worlds (Megan Robertson) Styled as "Xanadu on the Atlantic", there's more to it than stately pleasure domes
- 2300AD: French Arm Adventures ("kafka") Gritty, down-to-earth adventures, even nowhere near Earth.
- 2300AD: French Arm Adventures (Megan Robertson) Classic 2300AD adventures, repackaged for the Mongoose Traveller rules
- 2300AD: Tools for Frontier Living (Megan Robertson) More than just a shopping list, for brave new worlds
- 2300AD: Hard Suits, Combat Walkers, and Battlesuits (Megan Robertson) More than a 'bulletproof' vest
- Cowboys vs. Xenomorphs ("kafka") Traveller in the Old West, with a twist.
- Buch 0: Eine Einführung (Timothy Collinson) An Introduction to Traveller, in German (13Mann Translation)
- Spinwarts-Marken (Timothy Collinson) a look at 13Mann's German translation of Mongoose's Spinward Marches sourcebook
- One-Act Adventures: Vengeance by Proxy (Jeff Zeitlin) A quick and flexible adventure
- Three for 2300AD (Timothy Collinson) Capsule reviews of Terror's Lair, The Tricolore's Shadow, and Special Supplement 1: Biotech Vehicles, all from Mongoose.
- CD-ROM: The Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (Paul Havoc) The Classic Traveller 'House' magazine on CD
- CD-ROM: 2300AD (Jeff Zeitlin) Traveller wasn't GDW's only SF RPG...
- CD-ROM: Traveller20 (Jeff Zeitlin) The Gateway canon, complete
- CD-ROM: Classic Traveller (Jeff Zeitlin) The first ten years of Traveller
- CD-ROM: Apocrypha 1 (Jeff Zeitlin) Classic Traveller from Gamelords and FASA.
- CD-ROM: Apocrypha II - Judges' Guild et alia (Jeff Zeitlin) Non-canonical, but useful and interesting from the historical view
- CD-ROM: Apocrypha III - The Lost Supplements (Jeff Zeitlin) A collection of items that were intended for commercial publication, but never made it.
- CD-ROM: GURPS Traveller (Thomas Jones-Low) The SJG alternate timeline using GURPS rules
- Adventure 1: The Kinunir (Michael Thompson) A look at the earliest Traveller adventure
- Adventure 8: Prison Planet (Luke Gearing) A classic Traveller adventure that heralded the style of later adventures
- Reign of Discordia - Traveller Edition ("kafka") A first look at another setting for Mongoose's implementation of the Traveller ruleset.
- Reign of Discordia - Traveller Edition (Jeff Zeitlin) Another look at this post-Imperial space-operatic setting
- Golden Age Stareships Compilation 1-5 (Jeff Zeitlin) Five starships from past versions of Traveller, updated for Mongoose Traveller
- Patron Encounters (Jeff Zeitlin) Inspiration, compact and familiar
- 1248 Sourcebook 1: Out of the Darkness (Bruce Johnson) Continuing GDW's story
- 1248 Sourcebook 1: Out of the Darkness (William Wilson) Continuing GDW's story
- 1248 Sourcebook 3: The Spinward States (David Johnson) Fast forwarding the area "behind the claw" to a century after the Rebellion
- Nemesis-class Pursuit Ship (Jeff Zeitlin) A writeup of a good ship could be better
- Orbital ("kafka") Traveller, as near-future hard SF
- Outpost Mars ("kafka") Traveller meets technothriller
- Vacc Suit (Timothy Collinson) A staple of SF gaming, for Zozer's Orbital setting.
- Attack Squadron: Roswell ("kafka") UFOlogy meets Traveller
- Alien Breeds (Omer G. Joel) Bringing in the familiar, and making it unfamiliar
- Outer Veil ("kafka") Hard SF and early tech, but still unquestionably Traveller.
- Power Projection: Fleet (Ray Garbee) A game for resolving fleet actions.
- Keepers of the Flame - the Regency Sourcebook (Christopher Griffen) A look at the sourcebook for Traveller: The New Era for adventuring in the remnants of the Imperium.
- The Scotian Huntress Campaign (Paul Anuni) A four-adventure mini-campaign from the early days of Traveller
- Flight of the Stag (Paul Anuni) An early Fifth Frontier War adventure/mini-campaign
- Hellion’s Hoard (Paul Anuni) A potentially lucrative charter, but...
- Scouts and Assassins (Colin Michael) An early third-party attempt to detail the Scout Service.
- Scouts and Assassins (Paul Anuni) An alternative to Classic Traveller Book 6, not quite as good as the GDW offerring.
- SORAG (Colin Michael) A focus on the Zhodani secret intelligence agency.
- SORAG (Jeff Zeitlin) A closer look at one author’s idea of a Zhodani secret intelligence agency.
- Spacedogs (Timothy Collinson) A look at this BITS adventure for Vargr PCs.
- The Stazhlekh Report/The Harrensa Project (Ewan D. Quibell) Two adventures in one volume, from FASA.
- The Legend of the Sky Raiders (Ewan Quibell) Almost as good as its reputation
- Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars (Paul Anuni) Lawrence of Arabia may have done it first, but it can be done all over again...
- The Sydymic Outworlds Cluster (Ewan Quibell)
- Tancred (Ewan Quibell) A look at an early planetary setting for Classic Traveller
- Traveller Collector's Edition (Books 0-8) (Colin Michael) A look at the first of the Far Future Enterprises reprints of the Classic Traveller material.
- Traveller HERO (Jeff Zeitlin)
- Twilight Sector Campaign Sourcebook (Richard Hazlewood) A look at an alternative setting for Traveller
- Twilight Sector Campaign Sourcebook, Revised Edition (Richard Hazlewood) A look at the revision of an alternative setting for Traveller
- Twilight Sector Campaign Sourcebook, Revised Edition ("kafka") Another look at the update to TerraSol Games' alternate Traveller setting.
- Twilight Sector Setting Update Alpha ("kafka") Further whetting appetites for an alternative Traveller setting
- Tinker, Spacer, Psion, Spy (Jeff Zeitlin) Terra/Sol Games offers a set of career options for their Twilight Sector setting.
- Twilight Sector: Beyond the Open Door ("kafka") An alternate-setting adventure/campaign with something for everyone.
- Shipbook: Mirador ("kafka") A mediocre treatment of a flexible design
- Shipbook: Mirador (Jeff Zeitlin) A good ship, but the treatment could have been better.
- Six Guns: Gauss Weapons ("kafka") A look at a look at gauss weapons
- Six Guns Rescue Organizations ("kafka") Paramedics, Boy Scouts, Coast Guard, ... all these and more fit under this banner
- Six Guns: Lasers (Jeff Zeitlin) Light weapons
- Six Guns: Lasers ("kafka") From battery backpacks to high-energy handguns
- Starfarer's Gazette #1 ("kafka") A "house 'zine" for the Twilight Sector setting.
- Starfarer's Gazette #2 ("kafka") Profiling a single world, well
- Techbook: Chrome (Richard Hazlewood) A look at alternative rules equipment for cybernetics.
- Techbook: Chrome ("kafka") Another look at Terra/Sol's cyberpunk supplement for Traveller
- Netherell ("kafka") A look at Terra/Sol's fantasy crossover setting for Traveller.
- The Beast of Karridan's Hollow ("kafka") A solid adventure for Terra/Sol's Traveller fantasy setting.
- Technical Manual 1: Reprieve-class Escape Pod (Timothy Collinson) More than just a space bubble, when you have less than a working ship
- TYPE S (Allen Shock) A look at the first Comstar/Avenger product for Mongoose Traveller
- Vampire Fleets (Jeff Zeitlin) A look at the Virus sourcebook for Traveller: The New Era.
- Vanguard Reaches (Colin Michael) A brief look at this area well outside the Imperium.
- Travellers' Aide #1 - Personal Weapons of Charted Space (Matthew Bond) (Matthew Bond) A look at this first supplement for d20 and Classic Traveller.
- Travellers' Aide #1 - Personal Weapons of Charted Space (Megan Roberton) (Megan Robertson) Another look at this d20 and Classic Traveller supplement.
- Travellers' Aide #1 - Personal Weapons of Charted Space (Mark Urbin) (Mark Urbin) Another review of this supplement for d20 and Classic Traveller.
- Why Classic Traveller? (Mark Knights) There are reasons to like CT. Here's how I got started, and why I stay.
- Behind the Claw Podcasts (Timothy Collinson) A bibliophile gives a listen
- Three Blind Mice (Jeff Zeitlin) A well-done adventure, deserving of not being spoiled.
- Ship Files: Polixenes-class Courier (Omer G. Joel) An alternative to the classic Type S
- Caennai-Class Merchanter (Omer G. Joel) A different take on the merchant ship
- The Space Patrol (Jeff Zeitlin) A look into alternate anti-piracy
- Encyclopaedia Dagudashaag (Timothy Collinson) A reference work that sets the standard
- These Stars Are Ours! (Timothy Collinson) Nearby in the Near Future
- Variant Psionics for the Cepheus Engine (Robert Weaver) A look at some alternatives to the standard Traveller psionics
- Borderlands Adventure 1: Wreck in the Ring (Jeff Zeitlin) Salvaging from a wreck, at cross-purposes.
- Borderlands Adventure 1: Wreck in the Ring (“Pookie”) A lost ship has been found; now it needs to be salvaged.
- Signal 99 (Robert Weaver) A distress call leads to adventure
- RHI Sandpiper Light Trader (Omer G. Joel) A compact ship in three variations
- Two Days on Carsten (Jeff Zeitlin) Filling in the gaps in a campaign with adventure
- The Zhodani Candidate (Megan Robertson) A high-level adventure originally from TravCon UK
- See How They Run (Jeff Zeitlin) Zhodani Exploratory Trade and more
- The Michael Brown Corpus (Timothy Collinson) One page at a time is still quite a lot.
- Hostile: A Gritty Sci-Fi RPG (Omer G. Joel) Alien, Red Dwarf, and Blade Runner, Traveller style!
- Atlas of the Imperium: Second Survey (Timothy Collinson) From website to table, via copy shop
- Darkest Stars Fanzine (Timothy Collinson) A back-to-basics Traveller fanzine
- Cepheus Journal (Jeff Zeitlin) A high-quality fanzine for Cepheus Engine
- Express Boat, Tender, and Scout (Ewan Quibell) An early battlemap product which could have been better
- Precinct 12 (Jeff Zeitlin) Adventuring as sctive-duty police
- Cardboard Heroes (Ewan Quibell) Not ideal for the purpose
- Players Guide to Solo Roleplaying (Jeff Zeitlin) One way of "getting your fix" if you can't find a group
- The Evening Star (Ewan Quibell) An early supplement on a topic that's been done better since
- Alien Module 7: Hivers (Jeff Zeitlin) A close look at the most enigmatic of Classic Traveller's Major Races
- Alien Module 5: Droyne (Paul Anuni) A race that has both psi and secrets
- The Sword of Cepheus (Jeff Zeitlin) Fantasy rules, compatibly
- Barreller (Ewan Quibell) a usable product that could be improved
- Starships Book IIOO: Cruise Ship (Paul Anuni) A big ship that needs a big dose of imagination
- The Second Scions' Society (Jeff Zeitlin) When you're the spare, not the heir, there's still adventure in the air
- A Travellers' Dozen (Ewan Quibell) More than the cover says
- Alien Realms (Paul Anuni) Non-human adventures that stand the test of time
- A Gift Brought More Precious (Timothy Collinson) A short Valentine's Day review of a short Valentine's Day adventure
- Trade Empire-class Commercial Transport (Paul Hillers) Well-designed, but with some interesting decisions
- Minor Loot (or, What's In This Guy's Pockets?) (Ewan Quibell) Not useless, but ... maybe not worth the buck
- No Questions Asked (Jeff Zeitlin) Barely a seed, not really an adventure
- Patrons of the Frontiers of Space (Ewan Quibell) Patron encounters are a dime a dozen... keep the dime.
- A Rift in Time (Jeff Zeitlin) There might not be any profit in fixing the problem
- Voices of the Bygone (Ewan Quibell) A good Amber Zone from an author who consistently writes good Amber Zones
- Danifred Class Light Trader (Paul Anuni) Perhaps not as good as an Empress Marava, but an interesting alternative.
- Double Adventure 2: Across the Bright Face/Mission on Mithril (Paul Anuni) Treks across two different hostile environments.
- Double Adventure 3: The Argon Gambit/Death Station (Paul Anuni) Early adventures that show their age, but aren’t complete flops.
- Double Adventure 4: Marooned/Marooned Alone (Paul Anuni) A good concept, but one that could have been executed better.
- Introductory Adventure: The Imperial Fringe (Paul Anuni) Less an introductory adventure than one that can have other adventures hung from it.
- LOCALE: Startowns (Jeff Zeitlin) You can take a walk down the startown’s ‘main drag’, but you need to define the ‘main drag’ first.
- Mirabilis (“Pookie”) The Prisoners’ Dilemma, imported to Traveller.
- Startown Liberty (Ewan Quibell) A dated patron encounter product.
- Disappearance on Aramat (Paul Anuni) An interestingly multifaceted adventure.
- Architect of Worlds (Jeff Zeitlin) Worldbuilding, starting from stardust.
- Drama at the Starport (Jeff Zeitlin) Quick mini-adventures for when you’re at a starport
- Droyne Coyns (Jeff Zeitlin) A physical realization of an idea from Classic Traveller
- RPGSuite (Jeff Zeitlin) Character generation, on your computer.
- Explanator (Jeff Zeitlin) Quick library data for a world
- Ad Astra Miniatures: Beowulf and Type S (Shelby Michlin) Licensed Traveller Miniatures, close up
- Other People's Toys Reviews of useful or interesting non-Traveller products
- Off The Table Fiction reviews, linked to Traveller
- LinkLooks This section of Critic's Corner concentrates on websites.